The 21rst Century modern immigration controversy is entirely and exclusively about controlling votes in order to control federal and state treasuries. It has nothing to do with races or the color of anyone's skin.

Democrats believe that "poor people will only vote Democrat" and that "all immigrants are poor people".

The Newsom clan, Kamala Harris clan, Feinstein clan and Pelosi clan will NOT personally get to profiteer with their stock market accounts unless they control federal and state budgets. That is why they are screaming that we must flood the USA with immigrants.

Their state: California, controls a large part of each national election. Thus it behooves them to fill California up with potentially liberal voters first.

Each of these California politicians has a spouse and/or family members who run investment banking Goldman Sachs-type stock market manipulation deals.

These politicians will lose billions of dollars of personal profits if they lose control of the treasuries. They won't be able to send DOE, EPA, DOT and other grants and contracts to their friends again.

Debbie Wasserman and John Podesta created this idea under the assumption that "immigrants are too dumb to figure out that we are using them".



The ultimate irony is that Google, Facebook and the Palo Alto Mafia Cartel are pushing to let skilled immigrant laborers in because they want Newsom, Feinstein, Harris and Pelosi to keep blocking laws that regulate privacy and domestic spying that they engage in. At the same time, Google, Facebook and the Palo Alto Mafia Cartel are funding and building robot factories to eliminate all of the jobs for unskilled immigrant laborers. The immigrants are heading to a PR-hype heaven that will turn out to be a jobless hell for them all.

Certainly Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty are about immigrants coming to North America but they were not usually being used as a mass election manipulation scam back then.



In Europe, the same trick is using immigrants to try to swing elections.


LEARNED TO CODE - Why does Silicon Valley love immigrants?

To find the answer, we’re going to hear the story of two tech industry insiders – one a long-time computer programmer turned whistleblower, and another…an immigrant who benefited from the controversial H-1B foreign work visa. He’ll give a perspective that the masters of Big Tech don’t want you to hear.

Red Pilled America is designed to be listened to, not read. Please reference and use the audio version for exact quotes.

Patrick Courrielche: Silicon Valley is known for its ruthless competition – constantly battling each other to grow ever larger. But one area where they put down their swords and come together is the topic of immigration. Silicon Valley loves immigrants.

Tim Cook: My view on DACA is that Congress needs to fix DACA. And fix DACA to me means allow everyone to stay in the country.

Jack Dorsey: We benefit from immigration. We benefit from diversity.

Reporter: The Washington Post reports that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and his wife are donating $33 million to fund scholarships for undocumented immigrants called dreamers.

Mark Zuckerberg: I hear fearful voices calling for building walls and distancing people they label as others.

Patrick Courrielche: But why? Why does Silicon Valley love immigrants?

(Show Less)

I’m Patrick Courrielche and this is Red Pilled America, a storytelling show. This is not another show covering the days news. We’re all about telling stories. Stories Silicon Valley doesn’t want you to hear. Stories the media mocks. Stories about everyday Americans that the elites ignore. You can think of Red Pilled America as audio documentaries and we promise only one thing…the truth.

Welcome to Red Pilled America.


Patrick Courrielche: You’d be hard pressed to find a Silicon Valley titan who doesn’t want to open up our borders to immigration, both legal and illegal. When someone within their ranks goes against this orthodoxy, even opposing illegal immigration, they get protested at their house.

Reporter: Protesters target the home of tech industry billionaire Peter Thiel.

Patrick Courrielche: Silicon Valley is unanimously for increasing immigration to the United States. But as we know, anytime a community is unanimously agreed on a subject – something else is usually afloat. Why does Silicon Valley want to increase immigration to the United States?

To find the answer, we’re going to hear the story of two tech industry insiders – one a long-time computer programmer that became a whistleblower, and another…an immigrant to the United States who began his career in Silicon Valley. He’ll give a perspective that the masters of Big Tech don’t want you to hear.


Adryana Cortez: I’m Adryana Cortez.

Roger Ross came to the U.S. in kind of a roundabout way. His parents were actually South African diplomats.

Roger Ross: We were in South Africa because they had migrated from Europe. And my my father was working for the World Bank organization there so I was born and raised in South Africa. And it just became a really cozy place to grow up and my parents never wanted to move back.

Adryana Cortez: As a young boy Roger had aspired to come to America.

Roger Ross: I had always set my sights on the American dream at least what was depicted about it in the sitcoms and the Hollywood movies that I watched do you know that America is this great land of opportunities and you can pursue all your dreams. And I really wanted to focus on that end and become part of the American lifestyle. I really valued that lifestyle to the point where I even adopted and started to change my accent to fit in. So I did everything I could to assimilate into the culture.

Adryana Cortez: He went to an international school in South Africa that encouraged its students to study abroad. So before his senior year of high school he made the move to America – to a small town of 10,000 people in Northern California.

Roger Ross: I actually started my journey early. I moved to the United States in ninety nine. I didn't graduate from the international school I graduated from a local public school here in California and I came here on like a foreign exchange basis.

Adryana Cortez: His high school was a predominantly white public school, and his years of admiring America made him fit right in on arrival.

Roger Ross: a lot of the people were very friendly to me. They were actually astonished by my level of English because a lot of the foreign exchange students that they had encountered spoke little English or with having accent and they thought that I was just someone who had migrated from San Diego and moved up moved up north.

Adryana Cortez: Roger wasn’t feeling academically challenged at his new school, so he enrolled at a nearby college to take collegiate level classes while simultaneously finishing high school.

He would eventually attend UC Davis, where he got a Bachelors in applied mathematics and a Masters in Economics. By the time he graduated in 2010, Silicon Valley was making a comeback.

Roger Ross: This was after the recession of 2008 where things started to be booming in Silicon Valley with Facebook going public and various other tech companies coming into the limelight and showing a lot of great success. So we started to see boom in the startup industry…

Adryana Cortez: At the time, the message being pumped by Silicon Valley was that America needed the foreign students graduating from our American universities.

Roger Ross: there was a startup that was interested in an a market researcher or a market analyst.

Adryana Cortez: So Roger applied for the job. And that’s when the startup exposed him to the foreign work visa.

Roger Ross: they were you know they were short on funding so they brought me on an age when B visa…

Adryana Cortez: An H-1B is a foreign worker visa that purports to help American employers fill job openings for highly skilled workers. They’re only supposed to be used if the company cannot find a qualified American worker to fill the job.

The origin of the H-1B visas goes back to the Immigration Act of 1990.

George HW Bush: This bill provides for vital increases for entry on the basis of skills, infusing the ranks of our scientists and engineers and educators with new blood and new ideas.

Adryana Cortez: Washington D.C. created a whole host of foreign worker visas that were specifically not supposed to be used to displace American workers or negatively effect their wages. The employer is supposed to pay the foreign worker what is called the prevailing wage – which are government published wage levels that are usually paid to the majority of workers within a particular work sector…this way the employer could not use these visas to bring in cheap foreign labor.

The problem is, many Big Tech firms have been using these visas to bypass and replace American workers.

Many employers like using foreign worker visas because of the many benefits they get from using them. One is a cost savings.

Sara Blackwell: if you're paying an American one hundred say a hundred thousand dollars to do a job and then you pay 60 thousand dollars to a foreigner multiply that savings by 250 that's a lot.

Adryana Cortez: That’s Sara Blackwell, a Florida based attorney specializing in employment law and founder of Protect US Workers.

Sara Blackwell:  But the ultimate end goal and the end game for this business model is that most of the work is offshore to India and you're paying the company pays about nine to ten thousand dollars to those workers. So you take 250 American workers who are getting an average of a hundred thousand and now we're paying Indians in India to do it for 10000. That's some serious savings and that's you know they say oh we say in our labor cost savings that's that's where we're getting the five million dollar bonuses for the CEOs and that's why the CEOs are making so much money because they're using the lie of lack of globalism the lack of workers and globalism and all of these other arguments for basically using foreign slave labor in my opinion.

Adryana Cortez: For people working in the United States with a foreign worker visa, many refer to this labor arrangement as legal indentured servitude because in order to keep their work visas and remain in our country, they have to work in conditions American citizens would not tolerate.

Sara Blackwell: the Indian based companies or even when the American companies hire the H-1B's the H-1B's have to have a sponsor to keep their visa and so they are in a position to be exploited to have to work a ton of hours and to be paid a certain amount but have to give money back for certain things not happens a lot.

And then the Americans have to compete with that. So the Americans who keep their jobs are left there having to compete with workers who are staying there 90 hours because if they don't be sent back home.

Adryana Cortez: Roger Ross experienced this exploitation first hand when he became a foreign visa worker.

Roger Ross: when I was initially sponsored for it my correct job title should have been you know that off an economist or a market researcher or a market analyst and my employer saw the prevailing wage in the job handbook and said Oh that's too high of a salary we can't afford to pay you that. So why don't we make your job you know something that we can find a prevailing wage that's much more lower and at the same time we want to employ you on a part time basis but make you work full time and you know that that's how they exploited me per say. And at that point I was just like OK I just need to get the H-1B visa and you know this is what they want to do then so be it because I'm just a fresh college graduate. I'm dying for a job we're coming out of a recession and any job will do because I had loans to pay myself. So I was I gladly accepted whatever they deemed necessary to get me on the H-1B…

Adryana Cortez: But what Roger learned was that he lost his ability to speak up, because he was beholden to his employer. One false move and he could lose his job and be sent back to his country.

Roger Ross: But as I got got my age when B I noticed that you know there was no way I could retaliate or or make my voice heard if I felt like I was being dealt inappropriately with the with the work or whether I was not being paid fairly I just felt like I didn't have a voice in that.

And you know that was really problematic.

Adryana Cortez: It’s a problem for the foreign worker as well as for the American worker – because the exploited foreigner not only takes the job from an American, they also set the standard for the Americans still working within the company. And Americans don’t just lose out on new job openings – sometimes they are even forced to train their foreign replacement under incredibly stressful circumstances. That’s what happened with Michael Emmons.

Michael Emmons: My daughter was born with spinal bifida. She's had about 28 surgeries and I'm straining my horn replacement workers my insurance. I'm self-employed so my medical insurance premiums were nine hundred and forty seven dollars a month. And to find out that my trainee salary is fifty-three dollars more than my medical premium I mean how does an American compete. It was really rough. And I don't know why but I decide to fight it.

Adryana Cortez: And fight it Michael did.

More after the break.

Patrick Courrielche: Welcome back. I’m Patrick Courrielche.

Michael Emmons has seen a lot of the United States.

Michael Emmons: I was born in Mississippi lived in Tennessee till fourth grade. Then we went to North Carolina till seventh and then I've been here since eighth grade.

Patrick Courrielche: Here being Florida. That’s where his father introduced him to programming.

Michael Emmons: My father said I wanted to try this and I took one class and I was hooked.

Patrick Courrielche: Michael did then what so many people are told to do today…he learned to code.

Michael Emmons: it was a lot of concepts in learning how to code. One of my first class we used an IBM mainframe. There were no the pieces came in on my senior year. They started having like a P.C. lab. We used cards from my first two classes where you had like cards and you programmed on the cards you ran through a card reader.

Patrick Courrielche: He’d eventually graduate from the University of Florida in 1984 with a degree in computer science and began solving people’s problems through coding.

Michael Emmons: I worked for Florida Department of Revenue and I created an application to accept revenue through checks out the remote locations.

I then left to go with a small company that we created a crime laboratory tracking system.

I built a jail system to handle all the money that inmates get. So when he was arrested they took everything from him and they put it into our system and gave the inmate a receipt.

I was working 80 hours a week and they were paying me about 40 and I asked for a raise and they didn't want to pay me. OK. So that's when I decided I was going to go do this on my own.

Patrick Courrielche: He went coding in South Carolina, Texas, Harrisburg Pennsylvania. He ended up at the Church of Scientology in Los Angeles.

Michael Emmons: The Sea Org, writing there. I call it a book selling application because to me it's not really a church.

Patrick Courrielche: Then a guy he worked with left the Church of Scientology and got a job in Silicon Valley with Siemens. So Michael took a contracting gig at Siemens working on voice over IP phones.

Patrick Courrielche: What was Silicon Valley like in the 90s or is it was it it still have had the same kind of lore that it has now.

Michael Emmons: It was amazing to to go live and right smack in the middle of all the stuff that I you know do and everything. It was amazing. I really enjoyed it. But I believe it's changed quite a bit now.

Patrick Courrielche: In what way?

Michael Emmons: Well it's overrun with foreign workers.

Patrick Courrielche: Michael would soon be overrun himself.

After the dotcom bubble burst in 2001, Seimens merged two of their businesses into one. They had an office in Florida and offered Michael a contracting job at that office. He jumped at the chance because now he’d be able to actually live in his house instead of being on the road. But it was short lived.

Michael Emmons: So in the middle of 2002 the employees in the I.T. department were brought into a room and told them that they were going to have to train their corner. I'm sorry. Train their replacements. They didn't know who it was what they were they were told that they were going to basically be let go but they want them to train their replacements. So I was an employee I was a contractor so they didn't bring me into the room with some of the employees and told me this is what's going on. About 30 days later income's about 30 or so mostly young male Tata India employees, our trainees.

Patrick Courrielche: Tata is a huge Indian company that, among other things, provides a foreign Indian work force to corporations on American soil. At the time, Michael can’t recall any foreign visa workers at Seimens and few within the IT industry at large.

Michael Emmons: I don't think they had any visa holders working here. The group I worked for in Sunnyvale they had about two or three on H-1B's and I knew they were and they were friends of mine and it was no problem. You know we worked together we taught each other you know we learn from each other.

Patrick Courrielche: But now, the entire IT department was being replaced by Indian workers.

Michael Emmons: That they assigned us people to train and they watched over us as we did things.

Patrick Courrielche: Michael was floored. Here was an entire IT department, gainfully employed, many, like Michael, dependent on their jobs, now all being replaced by foreign workers. There was no worker shortage. These foreign workers didn’t have high-skilled training that the IT staff didn’t have. The workers were being trained BY the American workers for God’s sake. No, these American workers were being replaced by foreign workers because they were simply cheaper. Michael learned this the hard way.

Michael Emmons: It was extremely rough at the time. My daughter was born with spinal bifida. She's had about 28 surgeries and I'm straining my horn replacement workers my insurance. I'm self-employed so my medical insurance premiums were nine hundred and forty seven dollars a month. And to find out that my trainee salary is fifty three dollars more than my medical premium I mean how does an American compete. It was really rough. And I don't know why but I decide to fight it.

Patrick Courrielche: So Michael, a programming wiz, began digging around on the company servers and he found some documents.

Michael Emmons: So I looked around on the server and I found top stars shared drive and I found all their documents and that's where I found that the knowledge transfer documents which I had given to my U.S. congressman I found their staffing document to what was interesting in the staffing document is all but about one or two of the people were on L-1B visas not H-1Bs. L-1Bs are called intra company transfer visas. So Tata India transfers their employees from India to Tata America. Then they sell them out to businesses in the U.S.

Patrick Courrielche: These L-1B visas are rarely discussed but they are particularly harmful to American workers. This visa was originally created to allow a foreign company to bring in their employees with quote “special knowledge” to help set up a branch in the United States. But in practice, L-1B visas are used an entirely different way. They are predominantly used to replace American workers with cheap foreign labor.

Foreign companies, primarily from India, set up shop in the United States, then bring their countrymen into the states and shop them out to American corporations. Unlike H-1B visas, there are no numerical limits on how many L-1B visas are issued and there is no restrictions on paying the foreign worker a prevailing wage. In other words, the American corporation can pay them as little as possible. So these foreign workers become very attractive. When the corporations hire them, they make their American employees train their replacements. This process is known as knowledge transfer. And if American worker refuses – they receive no severance package. Also, as a condition of receiving the severance package, the corporation shuts them up by making them sign away their right to speak to the press. These foreign visas are so often used in the IT business that insiders won’t speak out about them for fear of being blacklisted from the industry. That is why we seldom hear about this morally reprehensible practice.

We are constantly sold by the Big Tech industry that foreign workers are needed because of American worker shortages. But they are lying. Again Sara Blackwell.

Sara Blackwell: Their argument is they're high skilled and that's why we need them. But and we don't have enough American workers to do the job. That's the argument. But obviously we have high skilled American workers if the American high skilled workers are teaching the foreigners how to do their job.      

Patrick Courrielche: Sara represented former Disney employees in a high profile case. In 2014, 250 of the company’s IT employees were forced to train their replacements – which was a large group of Indian nationals with foreign work visas.

Sara Blackwell: I filed a RICO lawsuit because you know these these corporations have a lot of money and they paid some really smart attorneys to figure out how to break immigration and employment laws without breaking employment or immigration laws. But so basically what Disney did if they would have just done on their own they would be violating employment law because you can't take two hundred and fifty people and then replace them all with one race and one national origin. I mean that's race and national origin discrimination. And on if that contracting company had walked in and fired 250 of there were American workers and replace them what they want be workers they would have been violating immigration law but the way they do it they come together and set this business model up so that neither one are violating either law…

Patrick Courrielche: So these corporations find loopholes to legally replace American workers with cheap foreign labor, take advantage of the desperate foreign workers, and gag their former employees so no one knows what’s going on. And they do it all with the help of our politicians in Washington D.C.

That’s why what Michael Emmons did in 2003 was so important. He was a pioneer in blowing the whistle on this despicable corporate scam.

When Michael was forced to train his replacements he wasn’t an employee – he was a contractor, and corporations at the time were not yet hip to shutting people up. Michael wasn’t going to take this abuse sitting down. He was a highly skilled programmer that kept up to date with the industry’s new technology.

Michael Emmons: I've spent my whole career read learning and re learning to stay proficient in the industry.

Patrick Courrielche: So he approached a former customer and said he was looking for work. They scooped him up – but at a sizable salary decrease. Nonetheless, that freed him up to blow the whistle on the entire foreign worker visa scam. He contacted a local reporter at WKMG Orlando.

Michael Emmons: He did stories about maybe some roofer cheating out some lady you know didn't do his roof right. And those are the kind of stories he had done. So when he got this international story he was really excited to do it. And it took a couple months for them to get it out.

WKMG Reporter: What if I told you that when you go to work tomorrow there’ll be someone there to take your job? What if I told you that, you had to train that person to do your job? Sounds rather far fetched, don’t you think? Well it isn’t.

Michael Emmons:  Americans acros the country, hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost their jobs. And can’t get work.

Patrick Courrielche: At the time, there was no Facebook. There was no Twitter. There was no YouTube. But Michael was a programmer, and he used that skill to distribute the story over the web.

Michael Emmons: So what I did back to bring awareness I would capture the news. W.K. AMG and this was long before YouTube I would captured on a video camera and then and then switch it over to my computer digitize it and then serve it up on the Internet. And I had a little Linux box in my office here. That was my server and I had 30000 hits a week at times.

Patrick Courrielche: What drove Michael was the simple injustice of it all. The American government was actually allowing and helping corporations replace American workers, its citizens, with cheaper foreign workers.

Michael Emmons: But to use visas and say there's not enough Americans to accomplish their goal to get cheap labor. It's just wrong. The U.S. Congress created visas that allow corporations that line their pockets to get rid of their employees.

Patrick Courrielche: We often hear about illegal immigration devastating the American worker. Flooding the labor force with cheap labor – driving down wages and taking our working class jobs. We’ve told those stories here on Red Pilled America. But it is not just illegal immigration hurting the American worker. It is legal immigration as well. Michael blew the whistle in 2003 – and yet here we are sixteen years later, and it’s still happening in America.

Patrick Courrielche: In what Trump has even acknowledged as a reversal from his previous position, he now is calling for record immigration into the United States.

Donald Trump: I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally.

Patrick Courrielche: Roger Ross, an economics expert who once benefitted from a foreign work visa, sees a real problem with the White House’s position.

Roger Ross: And I truly think that you know there's no difference between illegal and legal immigration when it comes to labor supply economics. It's all about getting the cheap labor. And as long as that mantra is propelled on we're going to see more devastation off our economic conditions in this country

Patrick Courrielche: Which leads us back to the question, why does Silicon Valley love immigrants so much? It’s simple – immigrants are cheap labor that they can exploit. Silicon Valley pushes both legal and illegal immigration because it helps their bottom line.

Mark Zuckerberg: You know people often talk about two parts of the issue. High-skilled H-1B is the issue that tech companies have, and full comprehensive immigration reform as if they’re two completely separate issues. But anyone who knows a Dreamer knows that they’re not.

Patrick Courrielche: Silicon Valley is only worried about continued growth – and they’re willing to find that growth at any cost, including replacing the American work force.

We are living in unprecedented times. Americans are losing jobs to automation, new technologies, and offshoring. Some are predicting driverless cars will eliminate over four million jobs. Illegal immigrants have flooded construction, landscaping, farming, house cleaning, factory, janitorial, and the childcare industries – lowering wages and replacing American workers.

And throughout all of this Silicon Valley is constantly making a push to increase foreign work visas. A 2016 report showed that nearly three quarters of Silicon Valley techies are foreign born. Three quarters. How many more do they need. The Big Tech billionaires are not being altruistic – they’re being greedy. They love the cheap labor. It’s just that simple. The situation has become so dire, that it has even triggered Roger Ross, a man who once benefited from a foreign worker visa, to speak out.

Roger married an American. He is now a permanent resident with a green card. And he’s using his insider knowledge to the abuse of foreign work visas to inform the public on this issue.

Roger Ross: I'm just seeing a total destruction of our economic conditions and that's why I'm beginning to panic.

I noticed that our Congress as well as future leaders are still going about the whole. including Donald Trump himself, are going about the whole immigration reform concept in the wrong direction. And that's why we're not seeing any meaningful progress. These state of the affairs in the United States in terms of the economic situation you can already see the devastation that's happening. And the reason why President Trump was elected was you are seeing a total stagnation of our wages…You are also seeing the labor participation rate which is the true measure of of people employed in the labor force is declining. But you know President Trump in a lot of the White House likes to tout on the unemployment rate which is you know it is an all-time low but it's not a true measure of of how the economy is doing. And I think that these kind of steps are misguided and we're pretty much headed to a cataclysmic condition of our economic situation exacerbating to where you're going to have a lot of our college graduates not being able to find jobs, they're inundated with student loan debt and it's piling up each day. And a lot of our American workers are not finding the jobs that they want even though they are really highly-skilled and deserving of the jobs which you know a lot of the Silicon Valley and the corporate desk types are saying that there is a shortage job. Well what we're seeing is that there's a standard discrimination of workers who are either American or have or are at higher age. There's this whole ageism discrimination that's going on where if you're past the age of I think it's even come down to past the age of 30 years old you're not as valuable to the company because they know you would warrant a higher pay based on the experience that you have and they don't want to pay those salaries. So that's why they would rather hire someone who's younger OPT international student or a younger H-1B who will happily accept the wages and in exchange for immigration benefits.

And you know Donald Trump has changed his tune and said I don't like illegal immigration but I like legal immigration and we need more legal immigrants because Tim Cook from Apple is telling me so that we need these high skilled engineers.

Patrick Courrielche: When coal workers were losing their jobs during the Obama Administration, journalists suggested they should learn to code to find employment. Well, Michael Emmons actually learned to code, long before the advice came from our thoughtful media. But in the age of Big Tech learning to code is hardly a fail safe when Silicon Valley continues to push for more and more foreign workers.

Silicon Valley is pulling a con job on the American people by claiming we need more foreign workers. We don’t. And if we continue to let Big Tech dictate our immigration policy – we can kiss the American dream good bye.

Matt Lauer: If you think your living space is cramped, take a look at this truck. It looks like any other, right? Well it’s not. This truck is actually home to a 23 year-old man who works at Google. It’s actually parked right outside the headquarters of Google.


DNC wants illegal immigrants in order to pump their stock market ownership support

By Randy DeSoto

Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw endorsed many of the actions President Donald Trump is taking to address the migrant crisis at the U.S. border with Mexico in an interview with The Western Journal’s Executive Editor Shaun Hair on Wednesday.

“We’ve created this massive incentive for people to just jump across the border and say, ‘Asylum, I have a kid with me, so you can’t deport me.’ This is what happens,” Crenshaw told Hair.

Democrats, Crenshaw said, have been completely unwilling to address the migrant crisis.

“The most cynical interpretation of that would be they just want more voters,” Crenshaw said. “They think eventually they’ll let enough people in, it will tip the scale in their favor for votes. In the end it’s all about power.”

Nevertheless, the Texas congressman argued that multiple things must be done to address the issue, which he said Trump is seeking to do.

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First and foremost, Crenshaw said asylum seekers should be required to stay in Mexico.

For those who do enter the country, the government has to create more detention facilities and hold them until their asylum claims are adjudicated.

The administration should also place more immigration judges at the border to “get that adjudication process going. If it’s valid you stay. If it’s not, you go,” Crenshaw said.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in the Trump administration’s favor earlier this month, temporarily lifting a lower court order blocking U.S. immigration officials from requiring asylum seekers to stay in Mexico.

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Concerning the issue of border security, Crenshaw said the best argument for its necessity is not the gang activity or illicit drugs flowing across the border, but the sheer mass of people seeking to enter the country.

“The right argument is simply the numbers themselves,” the former Navy SEAL said. “One-hundred thousand people a month is what we’re looking at right now, 3,000 people a day. It’s unsustainable.”

“It’s not sustainable for our schools, our courts, our law enforcement, our hospitals, the costs. None of that,” he added.

Crenshaw also said it is not fair to release hundreds of thousands of migrants into the U.S. as they await their court date. The legal status allows them to work in the country and compete with lower-income American citizens for the same jobs, which inevitably leads to depressed wages.

The congressman said it is also unfair to the 1.1 million legal immigrants who are allowed to enter the U.S. each year, who waited their turn, paid the fees, and underwent vetting, among other requirements.

Last week, GOP Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona led a congressional delegation to the border to get a first-hand look at the situation.

They met with angel parents, Border Patrol agents, Drug Enforcement Administration officials, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and immigration court judges, according to a statement released by the congressman.

    Grateful to @RepMattGaetz, @RepSeanDuffy, @RepJohnJoyce, @Rep_Hunter, @RepDustyJohnson & @RepPeteStauber for joining me on the border to learn about the realities our agents face. We are ready to go back to D.C. to fight with @POTUS @realDonaldTrump for real border security.

    — Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) April 18, 2019

“What we observed during our three-day excursion again confirmed my thoughts: our southern border is dangerously unsecure, and Congress is failing to do its job to secure the border and help President Trump protect Americans,” he said.

“I am resolved to return to D.C. with my colleagues to continue to advocate for complete border security.”